The New York Guard (State Defense Force) recently held a training mission where they certified soldiers in the use of forklifts, which are a vital asset in managing logistics and supply during an emergency. Trained a small group of of National Guard so ...
New Benefits for Patreon Supporters
We at always try to provide our Patreon supporters with cool and enjoyable gear as a thank you for their continued support of This month we are introducing decals for our members. Our introductory ...
Maryland Defense Force serving at VA Medical Center
The Maryland State Defense Force has been on active duty servicing on multiple missions since the beginning of the pandemic. One mission involves the Defense Force assisting veterans at the Baltimore VA Medical Center. At 0600 on a Sunday ...
Virginia Defense Force troops get Covid Vaccine
Troops of the Virginia Defense Force recently received their Covid 19 Vaccine shots while training at Fort Pickett. Members of the Virginia Defense Force receive the COVID-19 vaccination March 18, 2021, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. Virg ...
New York Guard in the News
The New York Guard (State Defense Force) was recently featured in the New York Daily News. The NY Daily News is one of the largest newspaper organizations in New York City. Source: New York Guard The NY Guard was also included in an a ...
Secretary of the Army expresses gratitude to NY State Military Forces
The Secretary of the Army, John E. Whitley, recently expressed his gratitude and appreciation for all the hard work and dedication of the soldiers of the NY State Military Forces. The civilian aide of the Secretary of the Army is shown in the following p ...
Alaska SDF troops prepare for large scale exercise
Soldiers of the Alaska State Defense Force recently spent multiple drill weekends developing their disaster response skill set in preparation for a large state wide exercise called "ARCTIC FALCON 21". At the upcoming drill weekend in APRIL 2021 ...
Georgia SDF conducts SAR Training in Unusual Urban Building
The Georgia State Defense Force recently conducted a Search & Rescue (SAR) training exercise in an unusual building, a haunted house. Soldiers from the 1st Brigade’s 2nd Battalion conducted urban search & rescue in this unique building to provide ...
National Guard Command Sergeant Major highlights importance of NY Guard
Command Sergeant Major Roberts Jenks of the The New York National Guard recently highlighted the importance of the NY Guard (State Defense Force) during a recent Commanders Conference. NYG Commander's Conference 02/20/21 Command ...