The 3rd Brigade of the Texas State Guard recently had their monthly drill. Over the weekend they managed to cram a wealth of classes, Physical Training, Enlistment & Promotion ceremonies and much more.
During this past weekend, the 3rd Platoon from Laredo had their monthly drill. During the productivity, training troops were instructed in Drill and Ceremony and PT by WO1 Landa, Sgt Edwards, CPL Salazar, PV2 Sanchez. They were instructed in CPR, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) by PFC Martinez. A swear-in ceremony was done for new service members CPL Aguiar, PFC Diaz, PV1 Carmona, PV1 Escamilla, PV1 Garcia, PV1 Sanchez, PV1 R Garcia that was conducted by LT COL Tinajero where troops were sworn in and welcomed by 3rd Platoon and their families. Troops took a PT course on fitness & nutrition value, diet and wellness.
Source: 3rd Brigade, Texas State Guard