Legislation authorizing the creation of The Florida State Guard (State Defense Force) is nearing passage. It is included in the Florida 2022-2023 General Appropriations Act under House Bill H5003. It has passed both the House and Senate and is currently in the final stages before being signed by the Governor of Florida.
- Enrolled on March 14 2022 – 75% progression
- Status: 2022-03-14 – Ordered engrossed, then enrolled
Summary of Bill. The legislation text is very similar to the text of other States’ State Defense Forces laws. The Governor is the Commander in Chief of the Florida State Guard, and The Adjutant General (TAG – Senior National Guard General in charge of Florida Military Forces) is responsible for training standards, as well as issuing missions to the Florida State Guard. The Florida National Guard will setup training programs for the State Guard and such programs must be equivalent to those of the Florida National Guard. The Adjutant General will also setup height, weight, and fitness standards that are equivalent to the Florida National Guard.
Other standards that will apply to the Florida State Guard:
- Prior Service Servicemen and women can join the State Guard if they received an Honorable Discharge from the United States Military
- Non-Prior Service recruits must undergo an Initial Entry Training (Basic Training)
- Each applicant that applies to the Florida State Guard must undergo a Criminal Background check including being fingerprinted
- Applicants with a felony conviction CANNOT be accepted into the State Guard
- Protections that the National Guard receives in regards to Workers Compensation, Employment Protection, and Liability apply to the State Guard as well
- Florida State Guard members may be compensated for State Active Duty service but will be considered Volunteers
- Florida State Guard can be reimbursed for travel expenses during Active Duty missions and/or training.
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*If you are a member of the media please contact us at -> jean@statedefenseforce.com for more information
Here is the text of the bill referring to the creation of the Florida State Guard (State Defense Force):
*Line 2171 is the last line pertaining to the Florida State Guard
Source: Legiscan