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New State Defense Force Online Store Unveiled!

After spending days working on the revamp of the Online Store we are proud to unveil the new web store today.  Since we recently re-organized our company with the State Guard & Defense Force Council being the parent branch of, Commanders Briefing and other programs, we decided to also rename the Online Store to simply the State Defense Force Online Store.

Also since we changed the name of the Online Store we decided for it to have its own web address, separate from So now you can reach the State Defense Force Online Store at ->

Before we continue we would like to thank our Patreon Supporters who have made this re-vamp possible, without their continued support we wouldn’t of been able to purchase the tools, web address, and hosting for the Web Store. Thank you to:

COL David DeDonato
Alex Walker-Griffin
Mauricus Gaddes
DJ Saunders
Kenneth Cook-Askins
LTC George H. Heart (WA) Ret.
Nick Davant
Keagan Simpson
John Lutte
Dan Sebby
Michael Leguillow Jr.
John Fauver
Robert Clark
Alexander Kosin
Trenton C.
Thomas Jackson
Michael Chiesa
Bernadette Ramirez
Here is a screenshot of the front page of our new State Defense Force Online Store:

Click Here to Visit The State Defense Force Online Store

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