Patreon New Benefits

New Patreon Benefits for Colonel & General Tier!

Our Patreon community has always been at the heart of our mission, and the introduction of the $50 Colonel and $100 General tiers are designed to take our advocacy to the next level. By joining these exclusive tiers, members directly fund our lobbying efforts at both the state and federal levels. Our primary focus is twofold: to champion the development of State Defense Forces / State Guards in states currently without them, and in states where they do exist, to work alongside The Adjutant General to broaden the mission scope that these forces can undertake. We strive to facilitate more Joint Task Force missions and secure enhanced benefits for State Defense Force / State Guard troops, ensuring their invaluable service is recognized and expanded upon.

To further empower our Colonel tier members, we’ve rolled out a compelling new benefit that grants them exclusive access to influence the selection of guests on our Commanders Briefing platform. From State Defense Force Commanding Generals to National Guard TAGs, this perk allows our members to directly shape the dialogue and insights shared, making an indelible impact on the discourse surrounding our national defense. This unique opportunity not only enriches our content but also ensures that the voices and perspectives that matter most to our community are heard loud and clear.

Click Here To Join Our Colonel Tier

In a similar vein, we have introduced an influential new benefit for our General tier members. This tier now includes the ability to vote on the direction of our lobbying efforts, focusing on the selection of states and federal legislation to which we dedicate our resources. Whether it’s advocating for the establishment of State Guards in states where they are absent, or pushing for enhanced benefits and expanded mission sets for existing State Defense Forces, the voices of our General tier members are instrumental in shaping our objectives and strategies. This level of engagement ensures that our efforts are not only community-driven but also aligned with the most pressing needs and opportunities for advancement within our nation’s defense framework.

Click Here To Join Our General Tier

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