We at StateDefenseForce.com offer advertising spots throughout our website as well as on our Facebook Group.
Some Statistics:
- Our website features over 10,000 views a year, over 5,600 unique visitors per year*
- Our registered user base for the website is over 13,600 users & emails
- Our Facebook Group has approximately 2,500 members
If you are interested in purchasing space on the website or on our Facebook page please view the packages below.
To Request a Package:
- Select the Package you wish to purchase
- Email jean@statedefenseforce.com with the package name, and how many months you would like to have the ad active.
We DO NOT accept ads or requests that:
- Are Political or endorse a political party
- Are Offensive to a particular cultural and identification group
- Offer private military training
- Break or promote violating local, state or federal laws
- Advertise products that are banned in local, state or federal property
* = 2020 Statistics via Jetpack