
MD Defense Force provides Chaplain Services to OCS Candidates

The Maryland Defense Force (State Defense Force) recently provided Chaplain services to Army National Guard troops undergoing Officer Candidate School (OCS).


MDDF Chaplain Corps Supports MDARNG Officer Candidate School
The Maryland Army National Guard (MARDNG) Officer Candidate School (OCS) consists of three phases. Phase one is a fifteen day training period followed by approximately 16 months of training one weekend a month during Phase two. Phase three is another fifteen day training period that culminates in graduation from the program and a commissioning ceremony. During all three phases, the Maryland Defense Force (MDDF) Chaplain Corps performs religious services, prayers, counseling, pastoral care and provides moral support for the officer candidates.
“We try to provide a listening ear and motivation to help the candidates get through the training program successfully,” shared Chaplain (Capt.) (MD) Bill Glass of the MDDF. “Our goal is to help the candidates with their spiritual, emotional and psychological needs if necessary, so that they can be at their best while facing adversity,” Glass continued. The MDNG OCS Class 62 phase three was held from July 17 to July 31 at Aberdeen Proving Ground Edgewood’s H. Steven Blum Military Reservation and Lauderick Creek.
Chaplain (Capt.) (MD) Glass working with Sgt. 1st Class Michael Davis who is a senior religious affairs specialist in the Maryland Army National Guard conducted two Sunday morning worship services during this phase. They also provided individual and group prayers during unit formation and in between training modules. “Having our Chaplain Corps onsite to attend to the spiritual needs of the MARDNG phase three officer candidates helps to build and maintain morale during this last hurdle to an officer commission,” said Brig. Gen. (MD) Gregory J. Juday, commanding general of the MDDF. “We’re always motivated to do our part to assist in the success of each OCS class from the 70th Regiment of the Maryland Army National Guard,” Juday concluded.























Source: Maryland Defense Force

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