Staff Sgt. Jon Van Holm is the first Georgia State Defense Force soldier to be awarded the Governors Twenty, a National Guard Marksmanship Competition held at Fort Stewart, GA. We commend SSGT Van Holm for this great achievement. Georgia State Defens ...
Senator visits STARBASE
Senator Tom Umberg, a State Senator representing California's 34th District, was recently provided a tour of the Joint Forces Training Base in Los Alamitos. During his tour he was briefed about a California Military Department program known as STARBASE, ...
Texas Maritime Unit perfect Search & Rescue skills
The Texas State Guard (State Defense Force) has within its organization an elite Maritime unit known as the Maritime Regiment. This unique unit has been utilized in a multitude of missions from Hurricane response to supporting the National Guard as well ...
Texas State Guard has been busy…
In a news roundup of the Texas State Guard (State Defense Force) of the months of March & April it appears that the Texas State Guard has been very active in training events and joint task force missions. In March the Texas State Guard pa ...