Amidst an unfolding state emergency due to severe weather events, the soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 6th Brigade, TXSG, have showcased their preparedness and unwavering dedication to public safety. Collaborating with the 59th Training Squadron of The Un ...
Guardians of the State: Washington State Guard Bolsters Cybersecurity Measures for Elections
The Washington State Guard (State Defense Force) will soon collaborate with the Washington National Guard for this fall’s annual election support mission led by the Secretary of State's Office. The State Guard plays a vital role in many missions throughou ...
Preparing for Duty: Ohio Basic Training Recruits and Officer Candidates Complete Training
The Ohio Military Reserve (OHMR) recently celebrated the graduation of new recruits from their Initial Entry Training (IET - Basic Training) program, laying the foundational stones for a generation of disciplined, skilled, and committed servicemen and wom ...
U.S. Army Veteran, Brig. Gen. Dennis Watts, Steps Up as GSDF’s New Commanding General
Brigadier General Dennis Watts assumed his new role as the Commanding General of the Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) on September 22, 2023, in a ceremonious event held in north Georgia. The transition in leadership was presided over by Georgia Adjutant ...
Georgia State Defense Force Makes History in Governors Twenty Competition
The Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) has much to celebrate following its remarkable performance in the Governors Twenty Marksmanship Competition. Special honor goes to 2nd Lt. John Bowers, who distinguished himself by earning the Governors Twenty in bot ...
Navigating the Path to Readiness: Texas State Guard Conducts Field Exercise in Land Navigation and Rescue Skills
On September 16, 2023, members of the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade of the Texas State Guard (State Defense Force) led a comprehensive training and field exercise for the guardsmen of the 3rd Battalion at Long Acres Ranch in Richmond, Texas. The day started ...
Interview With New York National Guard Regarding Changes To New York Guard
Recently during this years Annual Training (AT) The New York Guard made many changes to the organization so we reached out to The New York National Guard to help clarify the changes. The New York Guard has undergone notable transformations over the las ...
South Carolina State Guard Launches Groundbreaking Explorer Program
The South Carolina State Guard has just unveiled the Explorer Post. This innovative program is specifically tailored for young men and women eager to make a tangible difference in supporting their state. Beyond the call of duty, the program is meticulousl ...
GSDF Prepares for Search & Rescue Missions with Rigorous Water Survival Techniques
In Dahlonega, Ga., on August 26, 2023, soldiers of the Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) engaged in a specialized Water Survival Course, honing their skills and techniques crucial for aquatic environments. This training equipped the troops with the neces ...
Unity in Step: Military Branches March Together in Glastonbury to Address Veteran Suicide
Over the past weekend, the streets of Glastonbury resonated with the determined footsteps of veterans and active-duty personnel from diverse branches: the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Space Force, and of course, The Connecticut Governor's Guards (Sta ...