
New Enlistees Take The Oath and Prepare For Basic Training

During a recent training drill, four new recruits joined the ranks of the 2nd Brigade, Texas State Guard (State Defense Force). The induction ceremony was held at the Fort Bend County Emergency Operations Center in Richmond, Texas, on January 6, 2024. Under the guidance of 1st Lt. Francis Encila, the Region 2 Initial Entry Training (IET) Coordinator, the new enlistees were administered the oath of enlistment, symbolizing their commitment to serve and protect. Following their enlistment, these individuals will be assigned to the Region 2 Reception and Training Unit. This assignment is crucial as it prepares them for Basic Orientation Training (Basic Training) and subsequent placement into a Battalion.

The Texas State Guard’s 2nd Brigade is characterized by its diversity, drawing recruits from all walks of life and various professions. This diversity is not only a testament to the inclusive nature of the State Defense Forces but also an operational strength. The new members bring with them a wealth of civilian skills, experiences, and perspectives, significantly enriching the Guard’s capabilities. By integrating their professional expertise with military training, these individuals enhance the Guard’s readiness and effectiveness in both state and National Guard operations. Their diverse backgrounds contribute to a more versatile and adaptive force, better equipped to serve the state and respond to a wide array of situations, ranging from humanitarian aid to crisis response.

1st Lt. Francis Encila, the Region 2 Initial Entry Training (IET) Coordinator, Texas State Guard, administers the oath of enlistment to the four newest members of 2nd Brigade at the Fort Bend County Emergency Operations Center, Richmond, Texas, Jan. 6, 2024. New enlistees are assigned to the Region 2 Reception and Training Unit, supporting 2nd Brigade, to prepare them for Basic Orientation Training and assignment to a Battalion to be ready in times of natural disaster and other emergencies. Welcome! (Texas State Guard photos by Staff Sgt. Anthony Scharp) #duty #honor #texas #TXSG #TXMilitary #TexansServingTexas
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