New York Guard Interview with SFC and CPT

Strict Policies At New York Guard Lead to Loss of Veteran Guardsmen, Two Soldiers Share Their Story

In a compelling episode of Commander’s Briefing, we hosts a discussion with former New York Guard members, Captain (CPT) Mark Getman and Sergeant First Class (SFC) Tracy Mike, who share their profound experiences and the transitions the New York Guard has undergone. Inspired by the events of 9/11, both guests recount their entry into the Guard, reflecting on their long service and the impactful missions they’ve undertaken, including response efforts to 9/11, Hurricane Sandy, and COVID-19. Their stories highlight a time of robust engagement and the significant roles played by the Guard in state and national emergencies.

In the interview, we delve into the topic of the New York Guard’s decision to deactivate its social media presence, a department that was headed by Captain Getman. Seeking clarification, we reached out to the New York Division of Military & Naval Affairs (DMNA) Public Affairs Office. Their response highlighted that the discontinuation of the NY Guard’s social media pages was a strategic decision, rooted in the leadership’s assessment of available resources. They stated, “Public information efforts, such as the NY Guard social media pages, fall under the umbrella of the commander’s public affairs program. It was determined by the NY Guard leadership that the organization lacked the necessary staff and materials to effectively sustain a social media presence. Instead, the organization opts to contribute to public information efforts through the consolidated channels of the New York National Guard, thereby supporting the joint force more efficiently.” Captain Getman shares his reason why The New York Guard discontinued their social media websites during our conversation. This explanation appears to diverge from the reasons provided by DMNA.

The interview also delves into the recent challenges and structural changes within the New York Guard, such as the deactivation of specialized units and strict attendance policies leading to the discharge of seasoned members like CPT Getman and SFC Mike. Both veterans vocalize some deep problems in The New York Guard, especially at the leadership level. However both still believe in the Guard’s mission and hope for its future. They discuss the evolution of the Guard’s roles, the increasing reliance on paid missions, and the shift in recruitment dynamics. Ending on a note of optimism, the conversation underscores the enduring spirit of service among Guard members and the potential for positive change in the face of adversity.

Click Here To Listen To The Interview (Patreon Corporal Tier & Above)

Click Here To Read The Transcript (Patreon Sergeant Tier & Above)

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