
Puerto Rico State Guard Emerges Tougher and More Prepared After Intensive Annual Training

The Puerto Rico State Guard (State Defense Force) recently held its annual training (AT), bringing together every unit within the organization for a series of specialized sessions aimed at refining their skills and enhancing their mission capabilities. This comprehensive training event emphasized cross-unit collaboration and preparedness for a wide range of scenarios, from logistical and medical operations to emergency response. The annual training not only allowed units to practice their specific roles but also strengthened the inter-unit coordination crucial for successful mobilization in real-world operations, ensuring all members are prepared to effectively serve the people of Puerto Rico in times of need. Here is some of the training the units performed:

Soldiers from the 500th Engineering Battalion spent their annual training on continuing education. During the training, the soldiers completed a Ten-Hour Certification in Construction Industry Safety and Risk, and received instruction in Structural Damage Assessment, Construction Drawings Reading and Interpretation, and the Preparation of Material Listings and Cost Estimates. Emphasis was placed on the safe handling and management of hand and small tools to ensure operational efficiency and safety. Additionally, staff personnel engaged in the Officers Development Program (ODP), enhancing their leadership skills and technical expertise. This comprehensive training ensured that all members were well-prepared and equipped with the necessary skills to excel in their engineering roles.

The 200th Battalion of Service and Support Command recently focused their training on various courses from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to enhance their emergency response capabilities. Additionally, they completed a 16-hour certification on establishing and operating a Regional Staging Area (RSA), a critical skill for coordinating resources during emergencies. The battalion also received eight hours of training in radio communication (RTO) to ensure effective communication in crisis scenarios. Alongside these courses, the unit provided logistical support and assistance in range control, demonstrating their commitment to readiness and operational efficiency.

The 1st Air Base Group (1ABG) of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command held various training sessions, including the operation of Regional Food Distribution Areas (RSA). A dedicated course was provided on using and handling APX 8000 radios for communications. The 702nd Medical Squadron was not only certified in the operation of the DLX Mobile Hospital but also managed medical operations and offered 24-hour Sick Call services throughout the training. The 701st Mission Support Squadron received specialized instruction in using Security Forces’ batons, while the Engineering Flight focused on Infrastructure Damage Assessment. Theoretical and practical scenarios were integrated into all training sessions, allowing airmen and soldiers to gain diverse certifications.

Soldiers of the 600th Military Band of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command rehearsed musical pieces and protocols to uphold their ceremonial duties. Additionally, the soldiers completed a 16-hour certification on establishing and operating a Regional Staging Area (RSA). This dual-purpose training ensures that band members are not only adept at performing but also equipped to support disaster response missions in times of national emergency.

The Strategic Communications Detachment (STRATCOM) trained in several essential areas, such as photography, the operation of APX 8000 radios, and a specialized Public Information Officer (PIO) course. Practical scenarios were included in every session, leading to certifications that enhance the capabilities of STRATCOM personnel in supporting the Guard’s communications missions.

The Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corp held meetings covering key topics, such as evaluating the new Puerto Rico Military Code of the 21st Century, understanding the FIGNA Law’s implications, and the preparation of specialized committees. The JAG Corp, led by COL (PR) Ariel Chico (CJA), took significant steps to analyze the impact of these legislative changes on the Guard’s operations. The meeting concluded with the promotion of several JAG members to the rank of Captain.

The Chaplain Corps of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command, along with key religious support personnel, participated in a conclave as part of their annual training. The event covered essential topics such as the roles and responsibilities of the Chaplain Corps and religious affairs specialists, emphasizing the importance of providing unbiased care, respecting diverse religious beliefs, and offering support to soldiers and their families during times of crisis and grief. The gathering underscored the Chaplain Corps’ commitment to fostering resilience within the force and highlighted the importance of their mission in promoting spiritual well-being and support. The event was further marked by the visit of senior leaders, demonstrating the significance of the Chaplain Corps’ contributions to the overall mission.

The Cook & Food Services Detachment played an essential role during AT-24. Led by CW2 José A. Ortiz, the unit faced the monumental challenge of feeding hundreds of soldiers and airmen each day—a herculean task that required meticulous planning, precise execution, and unwavering dedication. In a demanding training environment, food becomes not just a necessity but a morale booster and a critical source of energy. For many soldiers, meals are the highlight of their day, offering a moment of respite and replenishment amid the physical and mental rigors of training. The detachment’s ability to consistently provide nutritious and satisfying meals ensured that all personnel remained focused and motivated, directly contributing to the overall success of the annual training. Their hard work and commitment earned widespread recognition and gratitude from both the troops and senior leadership, acknowledging that a well-fed force is a ready force.

Lastly a new Basic Training class graduated Initial Entry Training (IET). This rigorous training program equips recruits with the core fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for military service. The curriculum spans a wide range of topics, including discipline and regulations, physical fitness, drill and ceremony, military customs and courtesies, and basic first aid. Additionally, recruits receive hands-on training in the handling and use of military equipment, map reading, and land navigation, ensuring they are prepared for real-world scenarios. Emphasis is also placed on understanding the chain of command, military law, and the armed forces’ core values, with a focus on leadership, integrity, and teamwork. Through this comprehensive training, recruits are instilled with the discipline, resilience, and skills needed to function effectively and thrive within a military environment, laying the groundwork for a successful military career. The ongoing dedication of the Military Institute to training and development is key to maintaining a well-prepared and capable Puerto Rico State Guard.

From October 2 to 6, 2024 soldiers of the 500th Engineering Battalion of the Puerto Rico National Guard participated in their annual training at the Joint Training Center of Camp Santiago, Salinas, Puerto Rico. During this period and as part of their Continuing Education program, they validated all trainings conducted for the fiscal year 2023-24. Trainings conducted included, among others, 10 Hour Construction Industry Safety and Risk Certification, Structural Damage Assessment, Reading and Interpreting Building Plans, and Preparation of Material Listings and Cost Estimates. Courses related to safe handling of small tools and/or hand tools were also offered. Staff members participated in Professional Development for Officers (ODP) training.

From October 2nd to October 6th, 2024, soldiers from the 500th Engineering Battalion of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command, participated in their Annual Training at Camp Santiago Joint Training Center, Salinas, Puerto Rico. During this period, they performed continuing education and completed all validation of the FY 2023-24. Also, they participated in the Ten-Hour Certification in Construction Industry Safety and Risk, Structural Damage Assessment, Construction Drawings Reading and Interpretation, Bill of Materials, Cost Estimates and hand / small tools uses and safety management. the preparation of equipment and material estimates. Staff personnel participated at the Officers Development Program (ODP).

#PRSG#EN BN 500 #AT2024

From October 2 to 6, 2024 the 200th Service and Support Battalion of the Puerto Rico National Guard held its annual training at the Camp Santiago Joint Training Center (CSJTC) in Salinas. During this week, all training activities for the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) were validated. Activities carried out included courses from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a 16-hour certification on the opening and operation of a Regional Readiness Area (RSA), as well as 8 hours of training on the use of communication radios (RTO) for emergency situations emergency. Logistical support was also provided and in the firing control area.

From October 2 to 6, 2024, the 200th Battalion of Service and Support of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command conducted its annual training at the Camp Santiago Joint Training Center (CSJTC) in Salinas. During this week, all training activities for fiscal year 2024 (FY24) were validated. The activities included courses from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a 16-hour certification on opening and operating a Regional Staging Area (RSA), and 8 hours of training on the use of radios for communication (RTO) in emergency situations. Logistical support and assistance in the area of range control were also provided.


The 1st Air Base Group of the State Command of the Puerto Rico National Guard (1ABG) conducted its annual training at Camp Santiago, Salinas, Puerto Rico, from October 2 to 6, 2024 Air Command officers and airmen offered different trainings on Regional Food Distribution Areas (RSA) operations. A course was also given on the usage and handling of APX 8000 radios and communications. Medical Squadron 702 was certified in the use and operation of the DLX Mobile Hospital and, during the AT-24, was in charge of medical operations and 24-hour Sick Call. Mission Support Squadron 701 and its flight units received specialized training, including using the Security Forces flight baton. The Engineering Flight received training in the assessment of damage to infrastructure, among other topics. Theoretical and practical scenarios were carried out in all trainings, allowing Airmen and Soldiers to be certified in different modalities.

The 1st Air Base Group of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command (1ABG) conducted its annual training at Camp Santiago, Salinas, Puerto Rico, from October 2 to 6, 2024. Officers and airman from the Air Group provided various training sessions as the operations of the Regional Staging Areas (RSA). A course was also offered on the use and handling of APX 8000 radios and communications. The 702nd Medical Squadron was certified in the use and management of the DLX mobile hospital and, during AT-24, was responsible for medical operations and Sick Call 24 hours a day. The 701st Mission Support Squadron and its flight received specialized training, including the use of the baton for Security Forces flight. The Civil Engineering flight received training in Infrastructure Damage Assessment, among other topics. Theoretical and practical scenarios were conducted in all training sessions, allowing airman and soldiers to be certified in various modalities.

#PRSG#1ABG. #AT2024

From October 3 to 6, 2024, the soldiers of the 600th Military Band of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command conducted their annual training at Camp Santiago in Salinas, Puerto Rico. During this period, the soldiers rehearsed various musical pieces, protocols, and popular music, thereby reinforcing their ability to represent the Puerto Rico National Guard at official events and ceremonies. Additionally, as part of their training, the soldiers completed a 16 hour certification on the establishment and operation of a Regional Staging Area (RSA). This training and certification are crucial to ensure that band members can support this and other missions in the event of a national emergency. The combination of musical training and specialized instruction reflects the 600th Military Band’s commitment to excellence in its multiple roles and responsibilities


The Strategic Communications Detachment of the State Command of the Puerto Rico National Guard (STRATCOM) held its annual training at the Joint Training Center in Camp Santiago, Salinas, Puerto Rico, from October 3 to 6, 2024 The soldiers received training in various modalities, such as the photography course, the use and handling of APX 8000 radios, and a specialized course for Public Information Officers (PIO), among others. Eventually, practical scenarios were carried out in all trainings, allowing soldiers to obtain certifications in various modalities.

The Strategic Communications Detachment of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command (STRATCOM) conducted its annual training at the Camp Santiago Joint Training Center (CSJTC), Salinas, Puerto Rico, from October 3 to 6, 2024. The soldiers received training in various modalities, including a photography course, the use and handling of APX 8000 radios, and a specialized course for Public Information Officers (PIO), among others. Finally, practical scenarios were conducted in all the training sessions, allowing the soldiers to obtain certifications in various modalities.


Last October 5, 2024 the body of lawyers of the State Command of the Puerto Rico National Guard participated in a meeting as part of their annual training (AT-24) in Camp Santiago, Puerto Rico. In this meeting several topics were discussed, among them: the evaluation of the new Military Code of Puerto Rico of the 21st Century, the FIGNA Law and its application to the State Command, the economic and fiscal benefits for the members of the State Command, and the preparation of specialized committees.

We congratulate the body of lawyers (JAG), led by the COL (PR) Ariel Chico (CJA), for analyzing the impact of the new Military Code of Puerto Rico on the State Command. Finally we closed the meeting with the promotion of some JAGs who were promoted to the rank of Captain.

On October 5, 2024, the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corp of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command participated in a meeting as part of their annual training (AT-24) at Camp Santiago, Puerto Rico. During this meeting, several topics were addressed, including the evaluation of the new Puerto Rico Military Code of the 21st Century, the FIGNA Law and its application to the Puerto Rico State Guard Command, the economic and fiscal benefits for the members of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command, and the preparation of specialized committees.

We congratulate the JAG Corp, led by COL (PR) Ariel Chico (CJA), for analyzing the impact of the new Puerto Rico Military Code on the Puerto Rico State Guard Command. Finally, we closed the meeting with the promotion of several JAG members who were promoted to the rank of Captain.


The Corps of Chaplains of the State Command, together with Father Chaplain (LTC) Julio Vera, Chaplain of Support of the Puerto Rico National Guard, SGT Tanairie Reyes, specialist in religious affairs, participated in a conclave during the annual training of the State Command of the GNPR, on the 4th and October 5, 2024 at Camp Santiago, Salinas, Puerto Rico.

During this training, various topics were covered, including the duties and responsibilities of the Chaplaincy Corps and the role of specialists in religious affairs.

The importance of providing care without prejudice, respecting different religious beliefs, and providing support to soldiers and their families in times of crisis and pain was emphasized.

Also, we had the honor of receiving the visit of Brigada General Carlos Torres Febus, Commander of the Land Component of the GNPR, and Brigada General Edrick Ramirez, Commander General of the GNPR State Command.

The Chaplain Corps of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command, along with Chaplain (LTC) Julio Vera, Support Chaplain of the Puerto Rico National Guard, and SGT Tanairie Reyes, Specialist in Religious Affairs, participated in a conclave during the Annual Training (AT-24) of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command, on October 4 and 5, 2024, at Camp Santiago, Salinas, Puerto Rico.

During this training, various topics were addressed, including the duties and responsibilities of the Chaplain Corps and the role of specialists in Religious Affairs. The importance of providing unbiased care, respecting different religious beliefs, and offering support to soldiers and their families during times of crisis and pain was emphasized.

Additionally, we had the honor of receiving visits from Brigadier

General Carlos Torres Febus, Land Component Commander of the PRNG, and Brigadier General Edrick Ramírez, Commanding General of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command of the PRNG.


The Kitchen and Food Service Detachment of the State Command of the Puerto Rico National Guard held its annual training at Camp Santiago, Salinas, Puerto Rico, from October 2 to 6, 2024 Soldiers and Airmen assigned to the kitchen area, commanded by CW2 Jose A. Ortiz, received trainings related to food handling during FY 2023 – with the goal of preparing more than 1,200 rations per day to feed the troops during AT-24. Today, on behalf of the troops of the ground and air component, as well as Brigada General Edrick Ramirez, we want to thank all the cooks, dietitians and chefs for providing us with food during the AT-24.

The Cook/Food Services Detachment of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command conducted its annual training (AT) at Camp Santiago, Salinas, Puerto Rico, from October 2 to 6, 2024. Soldiers and airmen assigned to the Food Service area, Commanded by CW2 José A. Ortiz, received training related to food handling during FY 2023-24, with the goal of preparing over 1,200 daily rations to feed the troops during AT-24. Today, on behalf of the troops from the Army and Air Force components, as well as Brigadier General Edrick Ramírez, we want to thank all the cooks, dietitians, and chefs for providing us with food during AT-24.

From October 9 to 13, 2024 the Military Institute of the State Command of the Puerto Rico National Guard completed the Initial Entry Training Course (IETC) for the 28 new recruits at Fort Allen, Juana Diaz. The IETC included a series of educational sessions on leadership, crisis management and advanced tactics, as well as the FEMA IS-100, IS-200, IS-700 and IS-800 courses, among others. New Soldiers and Airmen received instruction in key areas such as military ethics, crisis management, and leadership development, all in an interactive format designed to foster collaborative learning.

We thank the GNPR State Command Military Institute for their continued dedication to the training and development of our members.

From October 9 to 13, 2024, the Military Institute of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command conducted the Initial Entry Training Course (IETC) for 28 new recruits at Fort Allen, Juana Díaz. This IETC included a series of educational sessions on leadership, crisis management, and advanced tactics, as well as FEMA courses IS-100, IS-200, IS-700, and IS-800, among others. Soldiers and airmen received instruction in key areas such as military ethics, crisis management, and leadership development, all in an interactive format designed to foster collaborative learning.

We thank the Military Institute of the Puerto Rico State Guard Command for its ongoing dedication to the training and development of our members.


Sources: Puerto Rico State Guard

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