
Texas State Guard Adds Leader Reaction Course to NCO Academy

The Texas State Guard (State Defense Force) recently added a new course to their Non-Commissioned Officer Academy. The Leader Reaction Course is a new element of the Academy designed to push their future leaders to confront and overcome obstacles by utilizing teamwork and problem solving techniques.

The NCO Academy is a school within the Texas State Guard whos purpose is to take soldiers and make them Non-Commissioned Officers, which are the backbone of the modern day military.

This year the NCO Academy added a new event to their training: the Leader Reaction Course. This course consists of several sets of obstacles, which may only be completed by teamwork and problem solving. Some of them proved to be very enigmatic for most troops. Trainees in the NCO Academy course on Friday, 22 April 2022, were able to participate in this training.
“The LRC (Leader Reaction Course) is a good tool to use to train for teamwork, comradery, and leadership,” stated CSM Meisner of the NCO Academy. “[It also teaches] problem solving for all the troops at every level to see how well they can be tasked with an obstacle with a certain set of tasks and complete that obstacle. It’s extremely good training and it’s been around for quite a while. We are glad that we have it and can bring to the Texas State Guard.”
Written & Photos by SGT Boyd Ocon, 1BDE, Texas State Guard


Source: Texas State Guard

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