The Texas State Guard recently had a group of their troops graduate and certify in SARTECH II. SARTECH is part of the National Association of Search & Rescue curriculum. State Defense Forces follow this training in order to certify their troops for operational Search & Rescue missions.
SARTECH II first involves a written exam of 120 questions covering:
- Small Unit Leadership
- Fitness
- Crew Safety
- Crewleader SAR Ready Pack
- Maps, Symbology, & Land Navigation
- Search Techniques & Tactics
- Briefing
- Debriefing
- Hazardous Terrain Skills
- Stress Management
And requires 80% or above to pass. The certification then involves multiple practical exams covering:
- Station #1: Hazardous Terrain Skills: Using the contents within the SAR Ready Pack candidates establish a belay system between two points.
- Station #2: Patient Transport: Using the contents of their SAR Ready Pack and tracking sticks candidates construct an improvised stretcher.
- Station #3: Land Navigation: With the use of topographic maps and compass, candidates complete a course over terrain commonly encountered in the operations area in a specified time frame, not to exceed (2000) meters during night time.
To even take the exam and obtain the certification, candidates must have the prerequisites which include having at least 100 hours on SAR missions, 100 hours of land-based SAR training, and at least two 2 years active membership with a SAR organization.
Congrats to the graduates!
Congratulationsto Texas State Guard Search and Rescue graduates, Class 2201 and 2201-Bravo, for completing Wilderness First Aid (WFA), which is the final phase of the National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) SARTECH II course. The Mission Ready Package provides another capable resource for officials statewide for search and rescue operations. (Texas State Guard photos by WO1 Michael Faber)
Sources: Texas State Guard – National Association for Search & Rescue