
New Connecticut Foot Guard Recruits Sworn In & Troops Undergo Endurance Exercise

The First Company of the Governor’s Foot Guard recently spent their weekend training drill in the field. The company underwent a 14 mile march through the Connecticut woodlands to test the endurance of its troops. At the end of the training drill the unit swore in a new class of Recruits

These types of endurance tests are crucial for State Defense Force troops as their missions, such as setting up Emergency Field Hospitals, require long term endurance.

Saturday Morning members of the First Company gathered at Bolton Notch State Park before embarking on a 14.4 mile march led by Lt. Gara and SGM Hite from the Bolton Notch Commuter Lot to Columbia.
It has been over a year since we have had the opportunity to train at another location other than the Broad St. Armory in Hartford.
These types of activities are ideal for improving an individual’s endurance and in addition, exposure for our newest Recruit Class to marching as a Battalion.
The Recruits from our Summer Class were also sworn in before the day’s end


Source: Connecticut Foot Guard

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