
TXSG 6th Brigade Has Fully Packed Training Weekend with Ruck March, Medical Training & Helicopter LZ Safety

The 6th Brigade of the Texas State Guard (State Defense Force) recently spent their training weekend covering a multitude of topics. From brushing up on First Aid procedures like tourniquet application, conducting a 3.5 Mile Ruck March to covering Landing Zone procedures for medical extraction of casualties, the 6th Brigade ensured they had a fully packed weekend.

25JUN2022 drill. (Sound on!) 6 Brigade service members from 1st and 3rd battalions participated in a 3.25 mile ruck march at Taylor Park, Comanche Bluff Trail, practiced tourniquet application, and reviewed LZ landing safety.
(Photos/video by CPL Jason Hunter 6BDE PA Rep)

During May’s drill, service members from 6BDE 3BN and 1BN were provided professional classroom instruction by camts, AirMedCare, and then rallied at the Taylor airport for LZ and aircraft safety, accompanied by the Taylor Fire Department.
(Photos by CPL Jason Hunter 6BDE PA Rep)


Source: Texas State Guard

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