
The Alaska SDF Ensures That All of Alaska Has Clean Drinking Water At All Times

Alaska State Defense Force troops from multiple units throughout Alaska came together recently for a consolidated unit drill. The training focused on ensuring each and every soldier is familiar with setting up a Water Purification system. This system is designed to provide affected communities throughout Alaska a clean drinking water system in the event of an emergency.

As Alaska has recently been responding to increased landslides as well as wildfires the need for communities throughout the state to have a clean and ample supply of clean drinking water has become extremely vital. So to fulfill this mission the Alaska State Defense Force has over the past year been ensuring that each and every member of its force has been trained & certified to provide this vital resource.

The ASDF conducted some awesome water purification training this past week! 30 Soldiers consolidated from around the state to the training site. Soldiers from Anchorage, Mat-Su, Fairbanks, Delta-Junction, Bethel, Quinhagak, and Scammon Bay were present and participated in training. The manufacture of the water purification system gave the training from 8-11 SEP and now the ASDF is qualified to produce potable, clean, safe water for communities in need. We are also preparing for drill this coming weekend. Please visit us at your community’s local armory for more information.















Source: Alaska State Defense Force

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