
Texas 3rd Brigade Has Fully Packed Training Weekend

The 3rd Brigade of The Texas State Guard (State Defense Force) spent their October Training weekend focusing on a multitude of training. From refresher courses in CPR, Land Navigation, ETN Awareness to an exercise in Search & Rescue, the troops had a fully packed weekend.

The 3rd Battalion spent their time re-certifying in CPR, ETN Awareness (Emergency Tracking Network) which is used during citizen evacuations during natural disasters, as well as going over the fundamentals of Search & Rescue tactics. While the 3rd Battalion was going over these skill sets, the 2nd Battalion put those fundamentals into use,  spending their weekend out in the field focusing on a variety of Land Navigation & Search & Rescue exercises.

During the month of October 3rd BN of the Laredo area had their monthly drill where they trained in ETN Awareness, CPR training , land navigation, search and rescue and had awards given.


2BN in the El Paso Area drilled for the month of October at the May’s National Park where they trained in Land Navigation and search and rescue. #duty #honor #texas



















Source: Texas State Guard

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