
Georgia State Defense Force Conducts Successful Disaster Clearing and Chainsaw Operators Training

The Georgia State Defense Force recently organized a significant training event aimed at equipping soldiers from various brigades with essential chainsaw operation skills and road debris clearance techniques. The instructors for this training event were the highly skilled soldiers of the Defense Force’s 1st Engineer Battalion. In attendance were soldiers from three Defense Force brigades and the esteemed Opposing Forces (OPFOR) Battalion, all of whom were eager to acquire these critical abilities. The Georgia State Defense Force is often mobilized in the aftermath of hurricanes, tornadoes, and severe weather incidents, and their primary mission revolves around the crucial tasks of road and utility line clearing. By effectively restoring power and facilitating unimpeded emergency vehicle access, they play a pivotal role in providing assistance during such emergencies.

Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) Soldiers from the GSDF 1st Engineer Battalion of the 76th Support Brigade conducted a disaster clearing and chainsaw operators (DCCO) certification course, Cobb County, Ga., June 3-4.
Soldiers from the 1st, 4th, and 5th brigades and OPFOR Battalion attended the two-day instruction on the proper and safe use of a chainsaw in disaster environments. This weekend also included the second phase of the DCCO instructor course.


Source: Georgia State Defense Force

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