Warrant Officer (W01) Eric Williams of 7th Unmanned Aerial System, a dedicated and commendable warrant officer, recently showcased his remarkable bravery and selflessness by saving the lives of two individuals during a devastating tornado. Recognizing his exceptional actions, Colonel Deano McNeil awarded him the prestigious Life Saving Medal. This was not the first time WO1 Williams had displayed his heroism, as he had previously rescued a motorist, making this his second well-deserved instance of receiving the esteemed award. WO1 Williams’ unwavering commitment to his duty as a soldier and his unwavering courage make him an exemplary individual and a true asset to the State of Ohio. Hurrah for WO1 Williams!
WO1 Eric Williams of 7UAS, was promoted & awarded the Life Saving Medal by COL Deano McNeil. WO1 Williams saved 2 peoples lives during a tornado. He had previously saved the life of a motorist, 2nd instance of this award. Hurrah for WO1 Williams, an exemplary Soldier & credit to the State of Ohio. Learning life saving skills is all part of soldiering at OHMR, give it a chance, contact Recruiting@ohmr.ohio.gov or go to www.ohiomilitaryreserve.com #military #OHMR #leadership #service
Source: Ohio Military Reserve