SDF Poll 2

Poll – Should Hire Lobbyists To Help Promote The Usage of State Defense Forces within The National Guard Bureau & Department of Defense?

There is a saying on Capital Hill, “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.”

Based on the information we discovered in the last week The National Guard Bureau if finalizing an updated directive to CNGBI 5500.01, which is the directive that specifies National Guard Interaction with State Defense Forces. This new directive contains new regulations that will drastically alter State Defense Force uniforms from a military uniform to a civilian type that stresses a Red Polo and Tan Khakis. Unfortunately we have seen this occur in the past with a few State Defense Forces such as The Alabama State Defense Force who saw a drastic reduction in troop strength, eventually shutting down. You can learn more about this change with our previous article here.

We believe the reason such drastic changes are being introduced by The National Guard Bureau is because there is no official relationship between their organization and The State Defense Forces. Officially State Defense Forces do not have any lobbyists in Washington D.C. petitioning Congressional Representatives and The National Guard Bureau to promote the usefulness of State Defense Forces. We believe with lobbyists we can halt any negative regulations or directives that can directly affect State Defense Forces, not only that but we believe we can increase Federal usefulness of State Defense Forces. Like for example The New York Guard (State Defense Force) augmented The New York National Guard CERFP Team from 2003 to the mid 2010s when the task force went under full federal authority which required The New York Guard be removed from the unit. We believe with new legislation that our lobbyists can promote we can help develop more Joint Task Force missions where State Guard / State Defense Force troops can work side by side with their National Guard brothers and sisters. We look forward to the day State Defense Forces can utilize Federal equipment, obtain security clearances, attend US Military training and even receive Federal funding.

To start a lobbying campaign will require a significant financial investment, but before we dive head first into developing one we want to get your feedback, so we are holding a poll.

Should Hire Lobbyists To Help Promote The Usage of State Defense Forces within The National Guard Bureau & Department of Defense?

  • Yes, and I am committed to maintaining a monthly membership to support such a cause
  • Yes, but I will not commit any financial resources
  • No

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