SDF Poll 2

Poll – How Flexible Should State Defense Forces Be with Weight Requirements?

The United States Military holds strict height and weight requirements for every applicant seeking to enlist or receive a commission as an officer. These standards are in place to ensure that all service members are physically capable of performing their duties and maintaining combat readiness. However, the ongoing obesity crisis in the United States has significantly reduced the number of eligible applicants. Those who fall above or below these stringent height and weight standards are often ineligible to join, limiting the pool of potential recruits and impacting the military’s ability to maintain its personnel strength.

State Defense Forces, which do not serve as combat forces and are not deployed in combat zones, offer a more inclusive alternative. These forces can accept recruits who fall outside the military’s height and weight requirements, providing an opportunity for those unable to meet these standards due to medical conditions or weight struggles. By joining a State Defense Force, individuals can still serve their state and country while working towards achieving the necessary health standards so down the road they can join The US Military. This pathway not only supports national service but also promotes personal health and fitness goals.

In this week’s poll, we seek your feedback on the extent to which State Defense Forces should adjust their acceptance criteria for applicants who are above or below the U.S. Military’s weight standards. How flexible should these requirements be? Let us know your thoughts.

  • Being 10 pounds over the limit is acceptable, but exceeding that is not.
  • Being 20 pounds over the limit is acceptable, but exceeding that is not.
  • Being 30 pounds over the limit is acceptable, but exceeding that is not.
  • Being 40 pounds over the limit is acceptable, but exceeding that is not.

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