The South Carolina State Guard (State Defense Force) had the opportunity to attend the Multi nation exercise Arctic Eagle 2018. The delegation which compromised the commander of the South Carolina State Guard, Major General Tom Mullikin, as well as the Command Sergeant Major,Mark Freeman. They were invited by The Adjutant General Alaska National Guard, MG Laurel J. Hummel, they also had the opportunity to meet Colonel John James, Commander of the Alaska State Defense Force.
The delegation observed and attended the major exercise with compromised National Guard forces from numerous states, as well as the United States Army, United States Army Reserve, United States Customs, Canadian military forces and many other agencies. Major General Tom Mulilkin also had the opportunity to communicate with senior officer of the Alaska State Defense Force regarding future State Defense Force developments across the country. Major General Mullikin also presently serves as the President of the State Guard Association of the United States which promotes the development of State Defense Forces throughout the country.
Here is the official release:
S.C. State Guard personnel MG Tom Mullikin, CSM Mark Freeman and LT Thomas Mullikin were honored to be invited by MG Laurel J. Hummel, The Adjutant General Alaska National Guard (AKNG) to attend Exercise ARCTIC EAGLE 2018 (AE18) as a Distinguished Visitor.
AE18 was a National Guard Bureau-sponsored Special Focus Exercise and a key focus of the National Guard Arctic Interest Council (NGAIC) Exercise workgroup. It combined a command post exercise with seven associated field training venues in the challenging Alaska environment. With U.S. national interests and DoD activities in the Arctic region focusing on securing, defending, partnering, planning, and enhancing capability, AE18 allowed participants to assess their ability to conduct sustained operations in extreme Arctic conditions.Upon arrival, the delegation from the SCSG was met by COL John James, Commander of the Alaska State Defense Force. The team then met with MG Hummel to provide a brief of developments of the South Carolina State Guard and State Defense Force developments across the country. MG Mullikin presently serves as the President of the State Guard Association of the United States.
COL James and his command staff gave briefings on the border security elements of the exercise during tours of the Joint Operations Center and the State Emergency Operations Center. A joint command dinner was arranged to allow for cross talks concerning best practices for the state defense forces among senior leaders from Alaska and South Carolina.
Following meetings between the National Guard, State Guard and SITREPs on the state of Operation Artic Eagle, the South Carolina delegation toured an area near the Denali National Park on dog sled and learned about the historic and significant practices of dog sledding across Alaska.
Notably, no government funds were used for travel or accommodations of attendance or associated activities of this exercise. This joint endeavor and learning from other organizations will assuredly reinforce the SGSG’s ability to maintain our mission of professionals serving South Carolina.
If you are interested in joining the historic South Carolina State Guard, please see our website at