During a Basketball game at his local High School, 1st SGT Mikeal Proper observed and came to aid a child who fell through the bleachers. 1st SGT Proper immediately came to the aid of the injured child and provided life saving care. He was recently awarde ...
Georgia SDF 4th Brigade Sends Troops to Assist in SAR Mission
The Georgia State Defense Force’s 4th Brigade recently activated 10 troops to assist police & emergency response personnel in a Search & Rescue Mission. Soldiers from the 4th Brigade are activated for a SAR (Search and Rescue) mission in southeas ...
Texas 2nd Brigade Delivers 400 Pounds of Food to Deployed Troops
The Texas State Guard (State Defense Force) 2nd Brigade recently delivered over 400 pounds of food and snacks to troops that are currently deployed on Active Duty. Lt. Col. John Hermann, 2nd Brigade, Texas State Guard, delivers more than 400 pounds o ...
Governor Orders Ohio Military Reserve to Assist at Jail
The Governor of Ohio, Governor Mike DeWin, was recently asked by the Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish for assistance at the Cuyahoga County Jail which is currently experiencing in a surge in Covid-19 Cases. Ohio sends 25 military reserve members ...
California State Guard featured on The Future Firefighter Podcast
First Lieutenant Matt Epstein of the California State Guard (State Defense Force) was recently interviewed on the Future Firefighters Podcast to discuss the California State Guards Wildland Firefighting Mission. First Lieutenant Epstein is the Company Com ...
A Great Holiday Season for Children in Texas
The Texas State Guard (State Defense Force) recently finished its annual “Young Heroes of the Guard” Toy Drive for Children in Texas. This ten year long mission has provided hundreds of thousands of toys to children in need all throughout the state. The T ...