
Foot Guard Finishes December Drill with 6 Mile Ruck March with Army National Guard

As Soldiers finish their training drills before the Holidays, The Connecticut Foot Guard (State Defense Force) joined The Connecticut Army National Guard in their annual 6 mile Holiday Rush March. Even though the Northeast was hit with devastating wind chills and below 0’ temperatures that didnt stop these troops from taking on the challenge.

We’d like to congratulate The Connecticut Foot Guard on their increased collaboration in training and working side by side with The Connecticut National Guard in 2022.

BRAVO ZULU RIFLE COMPANY! Yesterday elements of the 2nd Company Governor’s Footguard Rifle Company joined with the Connecticut Army National Guard for their annual 6 mile Holiday Ruck March. It was cold and damp but all soldiers made the ascent without pause or delay. Patrium Defendimus!

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