
Georgia Engineer Battalion Certifies Troops On Chainsaw Operations

The Georgia State Defense Force 1st Engineer Battalion spent their weekend teaching chainsaw operation to soldiers. The Engineers and Troops spent time in the field, learning the operation, safety procedures and maintenance of chainsaws. Each soldier was taught the proper techniques on cutting trees and other objects. This training is critical as The Georgia State Defense Force is often used for road clearing following a major weather event. Troops are trained on how to safely remove trees and power lines that obstruct traffic.

State Defense Forces throughout the nation are trained on chainsaws and are routinely used during a Hurricane or Severe Weather event. Each State Defense Force is now able to quickly deploy soldiers throughout the state to restore traffic on key roads to ensure emergency services can reach citizens.

The Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) 76th Support Brigade, 1st Engineer Battalion, leads a debris clearing and chainsaw operations course, Feb. 4-5, 2023.
GSDF Soldiers from the 1st, 4th, and 5th brigades also attended. Soldiers learned techniques they can use to assist the citizens of Georgia.
Georgia State Defense Force photos by Staff Sgt. Joseph Costa and Unit Public Affairs Representative Spc. Richard Brackin


Source: Georgia State Defense Force

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