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New York Guard prepares soldiers for future activations

The New York Guard (State Defense Force) recently certified their troops in the operation of forklift operations.  The soldiers underwent the New York Division of Military & Naval Affairs (DMNA) training certification so they can be utilized for future activations.  Last fall, the New York Guard was activated by the Governor & National Guard to assist in logistics and supply operations for the Puerto Rico relief effort.


Here is the official news item:

The 10th Area Command’s three day consolidated drill at Camp Smith on March 17th, 2018 also included DMNA forklift certification training.

Over 75 New York Guard soldiers, from not only the 10th Area Command, but also the 56th, 88th and New York Guard HQ, participated in the training.

Forklift certification is mission essential training for New York Guard soldiers. This particular skill set was in high demand during the Fall 2017 state activation in response to the Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands logistics support mission, during which time nearly 75 New York Guard soldiers served on State Active Duty in New York as a part of Task Force Donation Warehouse Operations.

Photos by SPC Sandro Sherrod, New York Guard State Defense Force.



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