
NY Guard Soldiers receive Governor’s Challenge Coin

The Adjutant General of the State of New York, Brigadier General Michael Natali, recently presented two New York Guard (State Defense Force) troops with the Governor’s Challenge Coin.


New York Guard State Defense Force Service members show off the Governor’s challenge coin they were presented by Brigadier General Michael Natali, New York Military Forces Assistant Adjutant General after the Governor Cuomo’s visit to the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Mass Vaccination Site in Manhattan, New York, April 6, 2021. The coin is inscribed with the Latin words “e pluribus unum”, to Service Members, which means “out of many one”.


Over 3,180 members of the New York Army and Air National Guard, the New York Naval Militia and the New York Guard are supporting the multi-agency response to COVID-19 at 24 vaccination sites and other locations across New York. (New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs photos by New York Guard Captain Mark Getman)

Source: New York National Guard

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