SDF Poll 2

Poll – Should Be Making Documentaries?

At, our mission has always been to promote public awareness and understanding of State Defense Forces (SDFs) and their critical roles within their communities. One potential way to achieve this is by producing compelling documentaries that highlight the history, mission, and unique opportunities offered by these organizations. Documentaries can shed light on questions like the origins of State Defense Forces, how they differ from the National Guard, and what training looks like for new recruits. By sharing these stories, we aim to inspire a new generation of volunteers and showcase the invaluable contributions of these dedicated servicemen and women.

We believe publishing these documentaries on our YouTube channel could help us reach a broader audience, introducing people from all walks of life to the existence and significance of SDFs. Through interviews with current and former members, we could address vital questions potential applicants may have. Topics might include what Initial Entry Training (commonly known as Basic Training) entails, the benefits of joining, and the diverse missions SDFs support. By highlighting real experiences and answering practical questions, these documentaries can serve as a powerful recruiting tool and an educational resource.

Do you think should be making documentaries? Share your thoughts in the poll below and help us shape our content strategy.

  • Yes, create in-depth documentaries (1-2 hours) to provide a comprehensive look at State Defense Forces.
  • Yes, focus on concise, impactful short documentaries (5-15 minutes) for quick and engaging insights.
  • No, prioritize other projects like publishing original articles and conducting interviews with State Defense Force and National Guard leaders.

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