
New York Guard Troops Train in Emergency Engineering Operations

One of the key training courses New York Guard troops underwent during their Annual Training week was Engineering Field Operations. This training event focused on responding to emergency and disaster events. As the New York Guard is called on more and more for such events they developed curriculum and field training to ensure their troops can respond quickly and trained to natural disasters.

Over the last few years, The New York Guard has been augmenting the National Guard  to extreme flooding in the upper parts of New York State.

Service members of the New York Guard train in emergency and disaster response, as part of Engineering Field Operations Training, on August 16, 2022, at Camp Smith Training Site, NY, during their week of annual training.
The training involved also consisted of road reconnaissance and sandbag training, which are critical skills needed when the New York Guard would be activated to assist in certain state emergencies. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by New York Guard Sgt Richard Mayfield) #servicetocountry #trainingday #ServiceToOthers #volunteer #training

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