
New York Guard 88th Area Command Ensures Backup Communications Are Ready to Go Online At Any Moment

New York Guard Troops from the 88th Area Commands recently spent their October Training Weekend focusing on Communications. One of the missions the New York Guard has been tasked with by the New York National Guard was to provide an emergency communications system ready to go online in the event of a statewide emergency that results in a breakdown of the phone and internet systems.

Two Detachments from the 88th Area Command, the 14th and 15th Detachment, unloaded their MERN (Military Emergency Radio Network) communications equipment at two different locations in the New York City area. The 15th Detachment of the 88th Area Command was operating out of Mount Vernon, NY while the 14th Detachment was operating out of Garden City, NY. After unloading and setting up their communication equipment, both units units were able to establish a connection and communicate with one another. Ensuring this system is operational and functional at all times is imperative to the National Guard so they can operate when the cellular network fails. With this system the New York National Guard can communicate with every military unit throughout the state.

Following the training, a few soldiers re-enlisted, others were promoted to a new rank.

Mount Vernon, NY – 8 October 2022
The 88th Area Command held a MERNEX (Military Emergency Radio Network Exercise) at the Mount Vernon OEM (Office of Emergency Management). The event took place in two different locations with the 15th DET operating in Mount Vernon and the 14th DET operating at the USMC Reserve Center in Garden City.
Communications were established between the two stations at 1130 hrs. demonstrating the effectiveness of the MERN during an emergency.


Source: New York Guard

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