Troops from The New York Guard (State Defense Force) Headquarter and Headquarters Company (HHC) recently were awarded The New York State COVID Pandemic Response Ribbon. The award was developed to recognize the members of The New York State Military Forces, Army National Guard, Air National Guard, New York Guard & Naval Militia (US Navy & US Marine Corps Reserve Troops), who served the state during The Covid-19 Pandemic.
The Deputy Commander of the New York Guard, Col Richard Colety, was on hand to present the Ribbon to the soldiers.
New York Guard Service Members recognized for their Service during December 2022 Training
Story by Sgt Richard Mayfield/ Photos by Cpt Mark Getman and Sgt Richard Mayfield – New York Guard Public Affairs Office
Camp Smith Training Center, Cortlandt Manor, NY –Recognition of the incredible time and effort exhibited by service members of the New York Guard is never foremost on the minds of these dedicated public servants. However, occasionally in between activations, drills and their civilian jobs members receive the acknowledgment they so richly deserve.
On December 3rd, 2022, during a short pause in the training day’s activities, several service members assigned to New York Guard Headquarter and Headquarters Company (HHC), received recognition for their incredible service during the COVID 19 pandemic.
As his last tasking, Deputy Commander of the New York Guard, Col Richard Colety presented awards to New York Guard Service members who have served with distinction over the past two years supporting the State’s COVID missions. Colety retired from the New York Guard on December 7th, 2022, after serving for 18 years in the State Volunteer Defense Force.
COL Coltey recalled his first days with the New York Guard and the many hours contributed by service members over the years. He thanked everyone present and encouraged them to continue to support the mission while remembering our motto is, “ready, willing and able to serve”.
The following is list of the New York Guard Service members, and the awards they received:
COL Richard F. Colety, New York State Pandemic Response Service Ribbon (photo 4 below)
LT COL David H. Ryan, was present the New York State Meritorious Service Medal, and New York State Pandemic Response Service Ribbon, by His brother, COL Stephen Ryan (photo 1 and 5 below)
CPT Keith G. Tidball, New York State Pandemic Response Service Ribbon and SGAUS Meritorious Service Medal
CPT John T. Boyle, SGAUS Meritorious Service Medal
CPT Gabriel Felix, New York State Pandemic Response Service Ribbon
CPT Mark Getman, New York State Pandemic Response Service Ribbon
SGT Michael Bilski, The State of New York Military Commendation Medal (photo 2)
All New Yorkers owe these individuals a debt of gratitude for their unfailing commitment to the mission and the willingness to leave their families and homes and place themselves in harm’s way during the deadly pandemic.
The New York Guard is the State Defense Force charged with augmenting the National Guard in disaster and civil relief missions.